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setAllCapacities(double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
setAnimationDelay(long) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
When the animation delay is positive, the algorithm continuously updates "ui.class" and "label" attributes of the edges and the nodes of the graph and sleeps at the beginning of each simplex pivot.
setAPSPInfoAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Centroid
Set the APSP info attribute name.
setAPSPInfoAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Eccentricity
Set the APSP info attribute name.
setAttributeName(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.coloring.WelshPowell
Set the name of the attribute to put in the graph if it is modified.
setCapacity(Node, Node, double) - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithm
Set capacity of (u,v).
setCapacity(int, int, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
setCapacity(String, String, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
setCapacity(Node, Node, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
setCapacityAttribute(String) - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithm
Set the key of the attribute from which capacities will be loaded.
setCapacityAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
setCentrality(Element, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BetweennessCentrality
Set the centrality of the given node or edge.
setCentralityAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.AbstractCentrality
setCentralityAttributeName(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BetweennessCentrality
Specify the name of the attribute used to store the computed centrality values for each node.
setCentroidAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Centroid
Set the name of the attribute where computation result is stored.
setCosts(AStar.Costs) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AStar
Specify how various costs are computed.
setCountAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.ConnectedComponents
Enable (or disable by passing null for countAttribute) an optional attribute that will be assigned to each node.
setCutAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.ConnectedComponents
Enable (or disable by passing null) an optional attribute that makes edges that have it invisible (as if the edge did not existed).
setDampingFactor(double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.PageRank
Sets the damping factor.
setDepthLimit(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.URLGenerator
Set the maximum steps before stop.
setDirected(boolean) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP
Choose to use or ignore edge orientation.
setDirected(boolean) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.URLGenerator
Create directed edges.
setDirectedEdges(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BaseGenerator
Make each generated edge directed or not.
setEccentricityAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Eccentricity
Set the name of the attribute where computation result is stored.
setEdgeAttributesRange(double, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BaseGenerator
If edge attributes are added automatically, choose in which range the values are choosed.
setEdgeWeightAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.URLGenerator
Set the attribute key used to store weight of edges.
setEntityClass(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
Set the name of the entity class to use.
setEntityCount(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
Set the number of entities which will be created at the algorithm initialization.
setEntityMemory(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
Set the entity memory in number of nodes remembered.
setEvaporation(double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
Set the evaporation of edge counts.
setExactlyMaxLinksPerStep(boolean) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BarabasiAlbertGenerator
Set if the generator produce exactly BarabasiAlbertGenerator.getMaxLinksPerStep() (true), else it produce a random number of links ranging between 1 and BarabasiAlbertGenerator.getMaxLinksPerStep() (false).
setFlagAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AbstractSpanningTree
setFlagAttribute(String) - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.SpanningTree
Set the flag attribute.
setFlagOff(Object) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AbstractSpanningTree
setFlagOff(Object) - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.SpanningTree
Set value used to set that an edge is not in the spanning tree.
setFlagOn(Object) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AbstractSpanningTree
setFlagOn(Object) - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.SpanningTree
Set value used to set that an edge is in the spanning tree.
setFlow(Node, Node, double) - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithm
Set flow of edge (u,v).
setFlow(int, int, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
setFlow(String, String, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
setFlow(Node, Node, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
setForce(double) - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
setForce(double) - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BellmanFord
Set the unique identifier for this instance.
setIndexGenerator(TarjanStronglyConnectedComponents.IndexGenerator) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.TarjanStronglyConnectedComponents
Set the generator of components indexes.
setIsInCentroidValue(Object) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Centroid
Set the value of the centroid attribute when element is in the centroid.
setIsInEccentricityValue(Object) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Eccentricity
Set the value of the eccentricity attribute when element is in the eccentricity.
setIsNotInCentroidValue(Object) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Centroid
Set the value of the centroid attribute when element is not in the centroid.
setIsNotInEccentricityValue(Object) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Eccentricity
Set the value of the eccentricity attribute when element is not in the eccentricity.
setLengthTo(APSP.APSPInfo, double, APSP.APSPInfo) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP.APSPInfo
Add or change the length between this node and another and update the minimum and maximum lengths seen so far.
setLogFrequency(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Sets the log frequency.
setLogStream(PrintStream) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Sets the log stream.
setMarker(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.DecentralizedCommunityAlgorithm
Set the marker used to store the community assignment to the specified value.
setMaxLinksPerStep(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BarabasiAlbertGenerator
Set how many edge (maximum) to create for each new node added.
setMode(AlgorithmComputationTrigger.Mode) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AlgorithmComputationTrigger
Set the trigger mode.
setMode(URLGenerator.Mode) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.URLGenerator
Set the way that url are converted to node id.
setNodeAttributesRange(double, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BaseGenerator
If node attributes are added automatically, choose in which range the values are choosed.
setNodeWeightAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.URLGenerator
Set the attribute key used to store weight of nodes.
setNormalizationMode(AbstractCentrality.NormalizationMode) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.AbstractCentrality
setParameter(PointsOfInterestGenerator.Parameter, Object) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.PointsOfInterestGenerator
setParameters(double, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.Leung
Sets the preference exponent and hop attenuation factor to the given values.
setPassesAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
Set the name of the attribute used to store the number of passes of each entity on each edge or node.
setPrecision(double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.PageRank
Sets the numeric precision.
setPricingStrategy(NetworkSimplex.PricingStrategy) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Sets the pricing strategy
setPushCoords(boolean) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.LifeGenerator
setQuality(double) - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
setQuality(double) - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
setRandom(Random) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.DecentralizedCommunityAlgorithm
Set the random number generator for this algorithm.
setRandomSeed(long) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BaseGenerator
Set the random seed used for random number generation.
setRankAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.PageRank
Sets the rank attribute.
setRoots(String...) - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
setSCCIndexAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.TarjanStronglyConnectedComponents
Set the node attribute key where component index is stored.
setSendNodeInfos(boolean) - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
setSendNodeInfos(boolean) - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
setSeparateMinMaxAxis(boolean) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartMinMaxAverageSeriesMeasure
Flag used to define if min and max are plotted to a different axis than average.
setSource(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AStar
Change the source node.
setSource(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BellmanFord
Set the id of the node used as source.
setSource(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
Dijkstra's algorithm computes shortest paths from a given source node to all nodes in a graph.
setSource(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.DynamicOneToAllShortestPath
setStabilizationLimit(double) - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
setStabilizationLimit(double) - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
setTarget(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AStar
Change the target node.
setThreadCount(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.URLGenerator
Set the amount of threads used to parse urls.
setThreshold(double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.RandomEuclideanGenerator
Set the threshold that defines whether or not a link is created between to notes.
setTore(boolean) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.LifeGenerator
setUIClasses() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
This method can be used to visualize the current solution.
setUnweighted() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BetweennessCentrality
Consider all the edges to have the weight.
setUseInternalGraph(boolean) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BaseGenerator
Enable or disable the use of an internal graph.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.PageRank
Switches on or off the verbose mode.
setWeight(Node, Node, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BetweennessCentrality
Set the weight of the edge between 'from' and 'to'.
setWeightAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Kruskal
Set the weight attribute.
setWeightAttribute(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
The name of the attribute used to fetch edges importance.
setWeightAttributeName(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP
Choose the name of the attribute used to retrieve edge weights.
setWeightAttributeName(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BetweennessCentrality
Specify the name of the weight attribute to retrieve edge attributes.
setWeighted() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BetweennessCentrality
Consider the edges to have a weight.
setWeightMarker(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.Modularity
Enables weighted extension of the modularity using the given weightMarker for edge weights.
setWindowSize(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartMinMaxAverageSeriesMeasure
setWindowSize(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries1DMeasure
setWindowSize(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries2DMeasure
setWindowSize(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeriesMeasure
shake() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
shake() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
showLegend - Variable in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartMeasure.PlotParameters
True if name of measures should be displayed on the plot.
size() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.FixedArrayList
Number of elements in the array.
size() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.util.FibonacciHeap
Returns the number of nodes in the heap.
smallestCommunity() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.CommunityDistribution
Get the smallest generated community
source - Variable in class org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP.APSPInfo
The start node name.
SpanningTree - Interface in org.graphstream.algorithm
This interface defines the basic functionalities of a spanning tree algorithm.
SPECIAL_URLS - Static variable in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.WikipediaGenerator
Spectrum - Class in org.graphstream.algorithm
Spectrum() - Constructor for class org.graphstream.algorithm.Spectrum
Spectrum.EigenValuesAlgorithm - Enum in org.graphstream.algorithm
STATE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.graphstream.algorithm.DStar
staticMode() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.DecentralizedCommunityAlgorithm
Enable the static mode.
stdev() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.CommunityDistribution
Compute the standard deviation of the community size
step() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.TabuEntity
stepBegins(String, long, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AlgorithmComputationTrigger
stepBegins(String, long, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.DecentralizedCommunityAlgorithm
stepBegins(String, long, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.DStar
stepBegins(String, long, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.RandomEuclideanGenerator
stepBegins(String, long, double) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.PageRank
SurpriseMeasure - Class in org.graphstream.algorithm.measure
Surprise measure.
SurpriseMeasure() - Constructor for class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.SurpriseMeasure
Default constructor.
SurpriseMeasure(String) - Constructor for class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.SurpriseMeasure
Constructor allowing to set the node attribute key containing index of organizations.
SurpriseMeasure(String, String) - Constructor for class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.SurpriseMeasure
Same as SurpriseMeasure.SurpriseMeasure(String) but allowing to set the graph attribute that will contain the result of the computation.
SyncEpidemicCommunityAlgorithm - Class in org.graphstream.algorithm.community
This class implements the synchronous version of the "Epidemic Community Detection Algorithm" as presented by Raghavan et al.
SyncEpidemicCommunityAlgorithm() - Constructor for class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.SyncEpidemicCommunityAlgorithm
SyncEpidemicCommunityAlgorithm(Graph) - Constructor for class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.SyncEpidemicCommunityAlgorithm
SyncEpidemicCommunityAlgorithm(Graph, String) - Constructor for class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.SyncEpidemicCommunityAlgorithm
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