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Generator - Interface in org.graphstream.algorithm.generator
Graph generator.
get(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.FixedArrayList
I-th element.
getAdjacencyMatrix(Graph) - Static method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Toolkit
Returns the adjacency matrix of a graph.
getAllPaths(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
An iterable view of of all the shortest paths from the source node to a given target node.
getAllPathsIterator(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
This iterator traverses all the shortest paths from the source node to a given target node.
getAPSPInfoAttribute() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Centroid
Get the APSP info attribute name.
getAPSPInfoAttribute() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Eccentricity
Get the APSP info attribute name.
getCapacity(Node, Node) - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithm
Get capacity of edge (u,v).
getCapacity(int, int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
getCapacity(String, String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
getCapacity(Node, Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
getCapacityAttribute() - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithm
Get the key attribute from which capacities are loaded.
getCapacityAttribute() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
getCapacityName() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the name of the attribute used to store the capacity of each edge.
getCentralityAttribute() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.AbstractCentrality
getCentralityAttributeName() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BetweennessCentrality
Name of the attribute used to store centrality values on nodes.
getCentroidAttribute() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Centroid
Get the name of the attribute where computation result is stored.
getChromaticNumber() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.coloring.WelshPowell
Return the last computed result of the algorithm.
getConnectedComponentsCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.ConnectedComponents
Ask the algorithm for the number of connected components.
getConnectedComponentsCount(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.ConnectedComponents
Ask the algorithm for the number of connected components whose size is equal to or greater than the specified threshold.
getConnectedComponentsCount(int, int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.ConnectedComponents
Ask the algorithm for the number of connected components whose size is equal to or greater than the specified threshold and lesser than the specified ceiling.
getCostName() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the name of the attribute used to store the cost per unit flow of each edge.
getCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries1DMeasure
Get the count of values that have been added to this series.
getCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries2DMeasure
Get the count of points added to this series.
getDampingFactor() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.PageRank
Returns the current damping factor.
getDefaultPlotParameters() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartConnectivityMeasure
getDefaultPlotParameters() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartMeasure
Create a default set of parameters to plot this measure.
getDefaultPlotParameters() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartMinMaxAverageSeriesMeasure
getDefaultPlotParameters() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeriesMeasure
getDegeneracy(Graph, List<T>) - Static method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Toolkit
This method computes the gedeneracy and the degeneracy ordering of a graph.
getEachEdge() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.ConnectedComponents.ConnectedComponent
getEachNode() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.ConnectedComponents.ConnectedComponent
getEccentricityAttribute() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Eccentricity
Get the name of the attribute where computation result is stored.
getEdgeConnectivity() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ConnectivityMeasure.EdgeConnectivityMeasure
Get the last vertex-connectivity of the registered graph compute in the last call of ConnectivityMeasure.EdgeConnectivityMeasure.compute().
getEdgeConnectivity(Graph) - Static method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ConnectivityMeasure
Get the edge-connectivity k of a graph such that there is a k-tuple of edges whose removal disconnects the graph.
getEdgeConnectivityMeasure() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartConnectivityMeasure
getEdgeFromParent(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
Returns the edge between the target node and the previous node in the shortest path from the source to the target.
getEdgeFromParent(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the edge to the parent of a node in the current BFS tree.
getEdgeIterator() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.ConnectedComponents.ConnectedComponent
getEigenvalue(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Spectrum
getEigenvalues() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Spectrum
getEigenvaluesCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Spectrum
getEigenvector(int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Spectrum
getElementCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ElementCountMeasure.EdgeCountMeasure
getElementCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ElementCountMeasure
Get the amount of elements.
getElementCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ElementCountMeasure.NodeCountMeasure
getEntityCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
Number of entities.
getEntityMemory() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk.Context
getEvaporation() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
The evaporation value.
getFlagAttribute() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AbstractSpanningTree
getFlagAttribute() - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.SpanningTree
Get key attribute which will be used to set if edges are in the spanning tree, or not.
getFlagOff() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AbstractSpanningTree
getFlagOff() - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.SpanningTree
Get value used to set that an edge is not in the spanning tree.
getFlagOn() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AbstractSpanningTree
getFlagOn() - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.SpanningTree
Get value used to set that an edge is in the spanning tree.
getFlow(Node, Node) - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithm
Get flow value of edge (u,v).
getFlow(int, int) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
getFlow(String, String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
getFlow(Node, Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
getFlow(Edge, boolean) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the flow on an edge.
getFlow(Edge) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the flow on an edge from its source node to its target node.
getFlowSinkId() - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithm
Get id of the sink.
getFlowSinkId() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
getFlowSourceId() - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithm
Get id of the source.
getFlowSourceId() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
getForce() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
getForce() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
getGiantComponent() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.ConnectedComponents
Computes a list of nodes that belong to the biggest connected component.
getGoCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
getGraph() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP
Access to the working graph.
getGraph() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the graph on which the algorithm is applied.
getHeight() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.LifeGenerator
getHiPoint() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
getHiPoint() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
getId() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.Community
Return the community identifier as a String.
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BellmanFord
The unique identifier of this instance.
getIncidenceMatrix(Graph) - Static method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Toolkit
Returns the incidence matrix of a graph.
getInfeasibility(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the infeasibility of a node.
getIsInCentroidValue() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Centroid
Get the value of the centroid attribute when element is in the centroid.
getIsInEccentricityValue() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Eccentricity
Get the value of the eccentricity attribute when element is in the eccentricity.
getIsNotInCentroidValue() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Centroid
Get the value of the centroid attribute when element is not in the centroid.
getIsNotInEccentricityValue() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Eccentricity
Get the value of the eccentricity attribute when element is not in the eccentricity.
getIterationCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.PageRank
Returns the total number of iterations.
getJumpCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
Number of entities that jumped instead of traversing an edge at last step.
getJumpRatio() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
Ratio of entities that executed a jump instead of traversing an edge at last step.
getKDisconnectingEdgeTuple(Graph, int) - Static method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ConnectivityMeasure
Get a k-tuple of edges whose removal causes the disconnection of the graph.
getKDisconnectingNodeTuple(Graph, int) - Static method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ConnectivityMeasure
Get a k-tuple of nodes whose removal causes the disconnection of the graph.
getKey() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Parameter
Get the key of this parameter.
getKey() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.util.FibonacciHeap.Node
Returns the key stored in this node.
getLargestEigenvalue() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Spectrum
getLastComputedValue() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.CommunityMeasure
The last computed measure.
getLastIndex() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.FixedArrayList
Last index used by the FixedArrayList.add(Object) method.
getLastStepTime() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
getLastStepTime() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
getLayoutAlgorithmName() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
getLayoutAlgorithmName() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
getLengthTo(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP.APSPInfo
Minimum distance between this node and another.
getLowPoint() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
getLowPoint() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
getMarker() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.DecentralizedCommunityAlgorithm
Get the marker used to store the community assignment
getMax() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries1DMeasure
Get the max of the series.
getMaximalCliqueIterator(Graph) - Static method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Toolkit
This iterator traverses all the maximal cliques in a graph.
getMaximalCliques(Graph) - Static method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Toolkit
An iterable view of the set of all the maximal cliques in a graph.
getMaximumFlow() - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithm
Get maximum flow compute by Algorithm.compute().
getMaximumFlow() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.flow.FlowAlgorithmBase
getMaximumLength() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP.APSPInfo
The maximum distance between this node and another.
getMaxLinksPerStep() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BarabasiAlbertGenerator
Maximum number of edges created when a new node is added.
getMaxSimultaneousEdgeCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.MaxSimultaneousEdgeCount
Get the max value.
getMaxSimultaneousNodeCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.MaxSimultaneousNodeCount
Get the max value.
getMean() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries1DMeasure
Get the mean of the series.
getMeasure() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.CommunityMeasure
Compute the measure (if the graph changed since the last computation).
getMin() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries1DMeasure
Get the min of the series.
getMinimumLength() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP.APSPInfo
The minimum distance between this node and another.
getMinKey() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.util.FibonacciHeap
Returns the minimal key in the heap.
getMinValue() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.util.FibonacciHeap
Returns the value stored in the node containing the minimal key.
getMode() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AlgorithmComputationTrigger
Get the trigger mode.
getNetworkBalance() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the sum of the supplies of all the nodes in the network.
getNextAddIndex() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.FixedArrayList
The index that will be used in case of a next insertion in this array.
getNodeId() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP.APSPInfo
The node represented by this APSP information.
getNodeMovedCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
getNodeMovedCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
getNormalizationMode() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.AbstractCentrality
getParent(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
Returns the node preceding the target in the shortest path from the source to the target.
getParent(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the parent of a node in the current BFS tree.
getPasses(Edge) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
The number of entity passage on the given edge.
getPasses(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
The number of entity passage on the given node.
getPassesAttribute() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk.Context
getPassesAttribute() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
The name of the attribute where the number of entities passes are stored (for edges and nodes).
getPath(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
Returns the shortest path from the source node to a given target node.
getPath(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.DynamicOneToAllShortestPath
Returns the shortest path from the source node to a given target node.
getPathEdges(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
An iterable view of the edges on the shortest path from the source node to a given target node.
getPathEdges(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.DynamicOneToAllShortestPath
An iterable view of the edges on the shortest path from the source node to a given target node.
getPathEdgesIterator(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
This iterator traverses the edges on the shortest path from the source node to a given target node.
getPathEdgesIterator(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.DynamicOneToAllShortestPath
This iterator traverses the edges on the shortest path from the source node to a given target node.
getPathLength(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
Returns the length of the shortest path from the source node to a given target node.
getPathLength(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.DynamicOneToAllShortestPath
getPathNodes(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
An iterable view of the nodes on the shortest path from the source node to a given target node.
getPathNodes(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.DynamicOneToAllShortestPath
An iterable view of the nodes on the shortest path from the source node to a given target node.
getPathNodesIterator(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
This iterator traverses the nodes on the shortest path from the source node to a given target node.
getPathNodesIterator(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.DynamicOneToAllShortestPath
This iterator traverses the nodes on the shortest path from the source node to a given target node.
getPathSetShortestPaths(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BellmanFord
Constructs all the possible shortest paths from the source node to the destination (end).
getPrecision() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.PageRank
Returns the currently used numeric precision
getPricingStrategy() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the currently used pricing strategy.
getQuality() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
getQuality() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
getRandom() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.DecentralizedCommunityAlgorithm
Get the random number generator currently used for this algorithm.
getRandom() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk.Context
getRandomSeed() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
The random seed used.
getRank(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.PageRank
Returns the rank of a node.
getRankAttribute() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.PageRank
Returns the current rank attribute
getSCCIndexAttribute() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.TarjanStronglyConnectedComponents
Get the node attribute key where component index is stored.
getShortestPath() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AStar
The computed path, or null if nor result was found.
getShortestPath(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BellmanFord
Returns the shortest path between the source node and one given target.
getShortestPathTo(String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP.APSPInfo
getShortestPathValue(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BellmanFord
Returns the value of the shortest path between the source node and the given target according to the attribute specified in the constructor.
getSolutionCost() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the total cost of the current network flow
getSolutionInfeasibility() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the infeasibility of the current solution.
getSolutionStatus() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
If the current solution is up to date, returns the status of the problem.
getSource() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BellmanFord
Get the id of node used as source.
getSource() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
Dijkstra's algorithm computes shortest paths from a given source node to all nodes in a graph.
getSource() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.DynamicOneToAllShortestPath
getStabilization() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
getStabilization() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
getStabilizationLimit() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
getStabilizationLimit() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
getState(Node) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.DStar
getStatus(Edge, boolean) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the status of an edge in the current solution.
getStatus(Edge) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the status of an edge in the current solution.
getSteps() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.Eades84Layout
getSteps() - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
getSupplyName() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
Returns the name of the attribute used to store the supply of each node.
getSurprise() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.SurpriseMeasure
Get the last computed surprise value contained in the graph.
getTreeEdges() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AbstractSpanningTree
getTreeEdges() - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.SpanningTree
Iterable view of the spanning tree edges.
getTreeEdgesIterator() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.AbstractSpanningTree
getTreeEdgesIterator() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
Dijkstra's algorithm produces a shortest path tree rooted in the source node.
getTreeEdgesIterator() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Kruskal
getTreeEdgesIterator() - Method in interface org.graphstream.algorithm.SpanningTree
An iterator on the tree edges.
getTreeLength() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra
Dijkstra's algorithm produces a shortest path tree rooted in the source node.
getTreeWeight() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Kruskal
Returns the total weight of the minimum spanning tree
getValue() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Parameter
Get the value of this parameter.
getValue() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.util.FibonacciHeap.Node
Returns the value stored in this node.
getVariance() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries1DMeasure
Get the variance of the series.
getVertexConnectivity(Graph) - Static method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ConnectivityMeasure
Get the vertex-connectivity k of a graph such that there is a k-tuple of nodes whose removal disconnects the graph.
getVertexConnectivity() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ConnectivityMeasure.VertexConnectivityMeasure
Get the last vertex-connectivity of the registered graph compute in the last call of ConnectivityMeasure.VertexConnectivityMeasure.compute().
getVertexConnectivityMeasure() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartConnectivityMeasure
getWaitCount() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk
getWeightAttribute() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.Kruskal
Get weight attribute used to compare edges.
getWeightAttribute() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk.Context
getWeightAttributeName() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP
The name of the attribute to use for retrieving edge weights.
getWeightAttributeName() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.BetweennessCentrality
Name of the attribute used to retrieve weights on edges.
getWidth() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.LifeGenerator
getXMax() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries2DMeasure
Get the max of x values.
getXMean() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries2DMeasure
Get the mean of x values.
getXMin() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries2DMeasure
Get the min of x values.
getXVariance() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries2DMeasure
Get the variance of x values.
getXYSeries() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeriesMeasure
Create a XYSeries object that can be used to create plot.
getYMax() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries2DMeasure
Get the max of y values.
getYMean() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries2DMeasure
Get the mean of y values.
getYMin() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries2DMeasure
Get the min of y values.
getYVariance() - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.ChartSeries2DMeasure
Get the variance of y values.
graphAttributeAdded(String, long, String, Object) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.DecentralizedCommunityAlgorithm
graphAttributeAdded(String, long, String, Object) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.DStar
graphAttributeAdded(String, long, String, Object) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.RandomEuclideanGenerator
graphAttributeChanged(String, long, String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.DecentralizedCommunityAlgorithm
graphAttributeChanged(String, long, String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.DStar
graphAttributeChanged(String, long, String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.RandomEuclideanGenerator
graphAttributeRemoved(String, long, String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.DecentralizedCommunityAlgorithm
graphAttributeRemoved(String, long, String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.DStar
graphAttributeRemoved(String, long, String) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.RandomEuclideanGenerator
graphCleared(String, long) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.APSP
graphCleared(String, long) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.community.DecentralizedCommunityAlgorithm
graphCleared(String, long) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.ConnectedComponents
graphCleared(String, long) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.DStar
graphCleared(String, long) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.RandomEuclideanGenerator
graphCleared(String, long) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.CommunityMeasure
graphCleared(String, long) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.MaxSimultaneousEdgeCount
graphCleared(String, long) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.MaxSimultaneousNodeCount
graphCleared(String, long) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex.NetworkSimplex
graphCleared(String, long) - Method in class org.graphstream.algorithm.PageRank
graphCleared(String, long) - Method in class org.graphstream.ui.layout.HierarchicalLayout
GRAY_GRAPH_LCF - Static variable in class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.lcf.GrayGraphGenerator
LCF notation of a Gray graph.
GrayGraphGenerator - Class in org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.lcf
Build a Gray graph.
GrayGraphGenerator() - Constructor for class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.lcf.GrayGraphGenerator
GridGenerator - Class in org.graphstream.algorithm.generator
Generator for square grids of any size.
GridGenerator() - Constructor for class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.GridGenerator
New grid generator.
GridGenerator(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.GridGenerator
New grid generator.
GridGenerator(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.GridGenerator
New grid generator.
GridGenerator(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.GridGenerator
New grid generator.
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