

package swing

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AngleShape extends AreaConnectorShape

    An angular shape.

  2. trait AreaConnectorShape extends ConnectorShape with Fillable with Strokable with Shadowable

  3. trait AreaOnConnectorShape extends Shape with AreaOnConnector with Fillable with Strokable with Shadowable

  4. trait AreaShape extends Shape with Area with Fillable with Strokable with Shadowable with Decorable

    Base for shapes centered around one point.

  5. class ArrowOnEdge extends AreaOnConnectorShape

  6. class BlobShape extends AreaConnectorShape with ShowCubics

    A blob-like shape.

  7. class CircleOnEdge extends AreaOnConnectorShape

  8. class CircleShape extends RectangularAreaShape

  9. trait ConnectorShape extends Shape with Connector with Decorable

    Base for shapes rendered between two points.

  10. class CrossShape extends PolygonalShape

  11. class CubicCurveShape extends LineConnectorShape with ShowCubics

    A cubic curve shape.

  12. class DiamondOnEdge extends AreaOnConnectorShape

  13. class DiamondShape extends PolygonalShape

  14. trait Fillable extends AnyRef

    Trait for shapes that can be filled.

  15. trait FillableLine extends AnyRef

    Shape that cannot be filled, but must be stroked.

  16. trait FillableMulticolored extends AnyRef

  17. class FreePlaneEdgeShape extends LineConnectorShape

    A cubic curve shape that mimics freeplane edges.

  18. class FreePlaneNodeShape extends RectangularAreaShape

  19. class HorizontalSquareEdgeShape extends LineConnectorShape

  20. abstract class IconAndText extends AnyRef

    A wrapper for a text and an icon.

  21. class ImageOnEdge extends AreaOnConnectorShape

    Put an image as the arrow of the edge.

  22. class LSquareEdgeShape extends LineConnectorShape

  23. trait LineConnectorShape extends ConnectorShape with FillableLine with StrokableLine with ShadowableLine

  24. class LineShape extends LineConnectorShape

  25. abstract class OrientableRectangularAreaShape extends RectangularAreaShape with Orientable

  26. class OrientableSquareShape extends OrientableRectangularAreaShape

  27. class PieChartShape extends Shape with Area with FillableMulticolored with Strokable with Shadowable with Decorable with AttributeUtils

  28. class PolygonShape extends PolygonalShape with AttributeUtils

  29. abstract class PolygonalShape extends AreaShape

  30. class PolylineEdgeShape extends LineConnectorShape with ShowCubics

    A cubic curve shape.

  31. trait RectangularAreaShape extends AreaShape

  32. class RoundedSquareShape extends RectangularAreaShape

  33. trait Shadowable extends AnyRef

    Trait for shapes that can cast a shadow.

  34. trait ShadowableLine extends AnyRef

  35. abstract class ShapeAreaPaint extends ShapePaint with Area

  36. abstract class ShapeColorPaint extends ShapePaint

  37. abstract class ShapeDecor extends AnyRef

    Representation of the icon and text that can decorate any "decorated" shape.

  38. abstract class ShapePaint extends AnyRef

  39. abstract class ShapeStroke extends AnyRef

  40. trait ShowCubics extends AnyRef

    Utility trait to display cubics Bézier curves control polygons.

  41. class SpriteArrowShape extends PolygonalShape with Orientable

  42. class SpriteFlowShape extends Shape with FillableLine with StrokableLine with ShadowableLine with Decorable

  43. class SquareShape extends RectangularAreaShape

  44. trait Strokable extends AnyRef

    Trait for shapes that can be stroked.

  45. trait StrokableLine extends Strokable

    Trait for strokable lines.

  46. class SwingTextBox extends TextBox

    A simple wrapper for a font and a text string.

  47. abstract class TextBox extends AnyRef

    A simple wrapper for a font and a text string.

  48. class TriangleShape extends PolygonalShape

Value Members

  1. object IconAndText

    Companion object for text and icon.

  2. object PieChartShape

  3. object ShapeDecor

    Companion object for text and icon decoration on shapes.

  4. object ShapePaint

  5. object ShapeStroke

  6. object TextBox

    Factory companion object for text boxes.
